Monday, 10 October 2016

Friends Who Feed You

One reason I can never stay hungry is because I have friends who feed me or they just genuinely love me. 
It can be that they're secretly trying to fatten me up, but I'd like to believe it's the latter. 
"Friends, it is love right?" 

If I happen to call, message or blatantly walk in to their house, the number one suspect is that I want food. 
This does not necessarily mean that my house is food-less, it's an I want what you have situation and they indulge me. 
"God bless the little charm he gave me." 

Secondly, there is one friend in particular who eats more than I do.
"I see you Nae."  
She eats twice as much and twice as often, also known as always hungry. One could say it is her peculiarity. Concisely it is a reason for food.

Third and last, we share a "any time is a good time to eat" mentality. Meaning it could be midnight and we will hit the road in search of food. Even on Sundays when you're "supposedly" supposed to cook at home, we will devour Sunday lunch and still hit the road in search of something else. What a happy bunch we are.

Life is better with full stomach. Eat and let eat. 

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