Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Asian Experience

As the sushi rave continues with its ever-expanding availability. Practically almost everywhere has a sushi menu or ready-made and I love it... According to my peoples, “I have a thing for Asian” and it is true, guilty as charged. It all started in my teenage days with my exposure to anime where I met Ramen.
(Yes, I watch anime)
For those who disappointingly do not know what ramen is (shakes head), Google it! Just kidding, it is a Japanese soup dish: noodles served in meat or fish broth with vegetables, meat, eggs and other combinations.
 For me it was what we refer to in the Caribbean as pack soup and the one in the cup, well cup soup lol. My all time favorite brand is Nissin. From there I was on an Asian spiral, from Japanese to Chinese, Korean etc. The food, manga, clothes even the dramas and not limited to those.
(Tehee. wink wink)

Monday, 10 October 2016

Friends Who Feed You

One reason I can never stay hungry is because I have friends who feed me or they just genuinely love me. 
It can be that they're secretly trying to fatten me up, but I'd like to believe it's the latter. 
"Friends, it is love right?" 

If I happen to call, message or blatantly walk in to their house, the number one suspect is that I want food. 
This does not necessarily mean that my house is food-less, it's an I want what you have situation and they indulge me. 
"God bless the little charm he gave me." 

Thursday, 6 October 2016

The Backseat Chef

We’re all familiar with the term “backseat driver”. That
despicable person who’s not physically maneuvering the vehicle but is over exerting their brain to drive the car using your hands and has road rage with every driver on the road including yourself.

The same applies to the backseat cook.

Yes, those people.

Image result for no you're doing it wrong